
De-Clutter Your Life

Hey - I'm really excited about a new workshop I'm co-leading with this fantastic Professional Organizer, Angela Irvine We will be connecting the dots between the "cluttered space" and "cluttered mind and emotions". I haven't gotten it on my website yet, so I'm posting it here for now. And as soon as I figure out how to upload an MP3 file, I'll be able to include a piece of our planning that we recorded - so check back again in a week or so!

Conscious Creation Event

Have you ever noticed that when you're feeling imbalanced emotionally, the space around you is usually imbalanced as well? Hard to turn things around with so much chaos around you.
Connect the dots between your emotional and mental clutter and the physical clutter in your environment. Clearing one will instigate re-balance in the other. It doesn't matter where you start - just start! Start Saturday April 26 2008 by joining myself and Professional Organizer Angela Irvine as we join forces to help you De-Clutter Your Life!
De-Clutter You Life
Creating Space for Inspired Living
Conscious Creation and Love Your Space
DATE: April 26th, 2008
TIME: 1:30pm to 5:30pm
LOCATION: MacLaren Center
340 MacLaren St. 2nd Floor
Cost:ONLY $47.00
Register: Call Kim at 613-591-1173 or email
at to reserve your spot now!



Celebration Time Come On!!!

I just opened a very important letter – it is a letter from CTI congratulating me on passing both my oral and written coaching certification exams. YEAH!!!!! I have earned the privilege of adding the initials, CPCC (Certified Professional Co-Active Coach) next to my name.
I have never been so nervous about opening an envelope! Knowing how I consciously create my outcomes, I was very aware that as I feared not passing an exam that I could attract it, that if I knew I’d pass I would and at the same time, if I thought I didn’t and therefore tried to “THINK” I did – I’d drive myself crazy!!!!
That’s the thing about being aware of creating your reality, when it comes to real life situations, what really matters, practicing what your preach becomes the real test.

As I waited 20 days to receive my results, this is what worked for me:

1. I faced my fears of failure. I acknowledge the reasons why I thought I might not pass. I didn’t make myself wrong for thinking this way, I simply acknowledged the logic supporting the fear.
I gave myself credit where credit was due.

2. I was just as liberal in acknowledging what I had done correctly, as what I thought I hadn’t done incorrectly. The worse thing we do to ourselves is go into “exaggerating thinking” at one end, and we let those thoughts run rampage with our emotions. By allowing each possibility their equal voice, and being logical (factual) about it (best question here to ask yourself is “Is what I’m thinking really true?” then “What else is possible?”) you detach from either possibility.

3. I connected to what I truly knew – that I love coaching and I love inspiring people to be who they really want to be! That if for some reason I needed to redo an exam to gain that credential, I was committed to doing whatever it took and grateful for learning what I’d learn along the way. I released my attachment to having that credential now, knowing it was already mine and that timing would be just that – the illusion of timing.

It’s during times like these (when I’m personally attached to the outcome) that practicing what I know is most challenging; when my faith in me can be challenged. Isn’t that why it’s called faith? Otherwise, how would we ever develop the confidence to really listened and hear, and the faith to follow the next inspiration we are guided to persue?