
What - Me Stressed???

Here is a note I wrote in response to Mary Allens Inner Peace Practice video - after you read please watch it!

Hi Mary - I just wanted to tell you how much I LOVE your new videos. Today's was exceptionally brilliant - and timely. Recently I've been informed by two different health care providers, that my stress level was affecting my thyroid and adrenals... and I didn't even realize I was experiencing stress. The first naturopath discovered this through a bio-feedback like technology (NES) and to be honest, I wasn't convinced of its accuracy because I didn't "get" that I was experiencing stress. Then yesterday, my new naturopath (my previous one moved to BC), having received the results of my blood work informed of the same thing!

I share this, because as you say in your video, much of society has been conditioned to accept stress as normal - and that is dangerous because in doing so we can also, by default, start accepted the results of stress as normal.... yickes!

Good news, right after I received the news yesterday from my naturopath I received an email from my neighbour inviting me for a salt water swim and hot tub soak at her health club. First temptation was to respond with my usual "I've got too much to do" but I didn't - instead I said "I'd love to and thank you so much for thinking of me." I definitely used the opportunity to start strengthening those "inner peace" and “self care” muscles.

Much love and appreciation for you!