Here is a blog I enjoy visiting on Tuesday’s, for the author’s Tarot Tuesday’s. Every Tuesday Sheri picks a card and then offers her interpretation of it. She then encourages you to reflect on the card and discern it’s meaning for you. Today her card was from Doreen Virtue’s Archangel Oracle cards.
A great reminder card for me today - in case I wasn't getting of all the other hints the universe has been providing me lately. Claircognizance is my “clair” (or as I prefer to call it, my expanded sense) and I've been second guessing it a lot over the past year. As a result, the universe has been providing me with an abundance of opportunities to second guess my inner knowing just so I can experience the "I knew it" feeling ... great validation! When we simply follow your inner knowing, we often have to "trust" it was the right insight in the moment, because we have no way to prove what would have happened if we hadn't followed it.
As a conscious creator, I've been getting caught up in acknowledging the directive of my inner knowing and then wondering if I should be challenging myself to focus on creating what I “want” in spite of what I “know”.
Can I?
My experience has been, sometimes yes and sometimes not - again I need to remember to lean back into the inner knowing and trust the continued directive I receive as to whether or not it is in the best interest of all involved to consciously focus on influencing the outcome. To lean into the inner knowing is to effect change by harnessing the "Inner Power" and not from forced energy (as in the book Power VS Force by David Hawkins).As the Serenity Prayer encourages, may we all have: "The strength to change what we can, accept what we can't change and may we all have the wisdom to know the difference".