
Magical Manifestations

Thank you Universe!
That is what kept saying today as the universe handed me my desires on a silver platter. Thank you Universe and I gratefully accept!

Over the holidays I received some cash as a Christmas present (thank you) so one day back in January, I set out to buy me gifts.

I like to buy myself the frivolous stuff with gift money – stuff I don’t “need” just “want”. So off I went today to CD Warehouse to buy a season of Charmed on DVD (one of my favorite witchy shows which stopped being aired in my area while in its third season) and a hard to find “Aerial” CD from Kate Bush.

No bargains at CD Warehouse! The Charmed DVDs were going for between $57 and $54.00. I intuitively felt I could get a better deal at Wal-Mart. Then I went over to look at the CD’s for the latest Kate Bush release. I couldn’t find it where the other Kate Bush CD’s were stocked and just as I was about to walk away, the golden-yellow cover caught my eye – the one last copy was on display. Priced at $25.99 …umm maybe Wal-Mart has it too.

No Kate Bush at Wal-Mart; however the Charmed DVDs were priced at $39 and $34. – big difference so I brought two to the check-out.

Oh, I’m to digress for a moment….on my way to Wal-Mart I stopped in at Blockbusters to rent a movie for the weekend. There Charmed was going for $41.00 – I held out. It wasn’t until I was driving home that I remembered thinking as I got into my car leaving the video store; “It would be nice to spend the same amount on the Charmed DVDs as it would cost to rent them - about $20 per season.”

Back to the check-out…..
There were 3 cashiers open and a line of 4-5 people at each. The moment I notice a twitch of arrgggg (not a fan of lines) I flipped my light on and felt the ease of patience fall upon me. The line zoomed through after that.

Now, I’m at the check-out with my Charmed DVDs and some cosmetic removal pads. When the cashier told me the total…well , I felt just like the lady in the Wal-Mart commercial where she runs to the car after paying her bill feeling like she’d just robbed the store. The cashier said “that will be $42.63 please”. What???? I use to be banker – so I’m pretty quick with numbers and there was no way all I bought added up the $42.63! Something within me said – just double check the bill. Sure enough, each of the DVD’s scanned in at $17.98 – a hidden sale!! YEAH!!

Thank YOU Universe.

I then returned to CD warehouse to buy the “hard to find” last copy of the Kate Bush CD.
Thank you Universe – you sure know how to deliver!

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