I really wanted to send this out earlier in the week, to give you all the time to complete the year end exercises prior to the end of 2009 – but I just wasn’t feeling it, it wasn’t flowing. So I decided to investigate what was happening cosmically that could be affecting my flow – and it then it made sense.
This year is ending with some pretty wild and conflicting energy. While the end of the year is usually a powerful time for setting intentions, this year being amplified by a full moon – an eclipsed blue moon at that – we also have the energies of two planetary retrogrades compromising our efforts; Mercury and Mars. Mercury’s retrograde influence messes up all means of communications, which includes the communication we send out (goals/intentions) as well what we receive – inspiration and messages. While Mars’ retrograde influence is stirring some our darker emotions such as repressed frustrations and anger – not a good mix for planning the New Year. However I do feel it is still a great time for releasing and clearing space – both the inner and outer. The effects of the blue moon and eclipse will still amplify our intentions; I just wouldn’t be putting too much energy into getting too specific about them yet. A few weeks will bring more clarity and you may be inspired into a whole new direction.
To really make the most of this energetic potpourri, this will be my ritual this year which I offer to you as well:
Sometime today , (or whatever day you are reading this) write out a list of all that you intend to release from 2009 and the other 10 years that made up this decade (to top it all off, we are also completing a decade ). It feels important at this time to be releasing it all; the good, the bad and the neutral – all we are grateful for and all we simply wish to leave behind. Write it all out. What patterns and beliefs have held on to you? Feel the appreciation you have for their contribution to your life and let them be. By releasing them all, you create space for the beliefs and patterns that will align with your intentions for 2010 to come in. In order to continue moving forward, co-creating a sustainable world, I feel it is important to continually be releasing for renewal, in order to maintain harmony with the earth.
Then, I invite you to safely burn these pages. Optimally, if you get a chance to do this today, then this evening go outside and burn them under the blue full moon. Allow the alchemic process of fire to transform the words on the paper.
Complete this ritual by setting three emotional intentions for 2010. Make sure they are personal expressions of how you want to be feeling in 2010, knowing that who you are will be reflected in the world around you. For example, you may intend freedom, joy and peace or influence, peace and enthusiasm or simply, joy, joy and more joy! With the two retrogrades going on, I’m not feeling inclined to get too specific yet in planning which activities will result in my intended emotions for 2010. Past experience has proven to me that by setting the emotional intentions, and projecting them into a future time space, that the events and experiences between now and then will naturally unfold and result in the intended feeling, so that is good enough for me. I don’t need to know “exactly how” right now, it will flow naturally.
Once you have your three emotional intentions, close your eyes and imagine yourself on December 31st, 2010, looking back on the year and feeling that way about the year. Imagine feeling that way throughout the year as well. Do this for a few minutes – possibly between the minutes of 11:58pm tonight and 12:02 am New Year’s Day. If that timing doesn’t work – anytime will be great!
Later on the in month of January, once I can harness the communicative energies of Mercury again, I’ll sit down with my wise counsel and get some more clear direction for the upcoming year.
The essence of this ritual for me is to intentional and gratefully release for renewal, knowing the wisdom of it all is a part of me and to set emotional intentions for the New Year.
And of course – to celebrate it all with some bubbly!!
Happy Happy Happy 2010
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