
The Illusion of Attraction - Part Two

 Back in January I wrote Part One of The Illusion of Attraction. In it I shared how the idea that we are solely responsible for creating our reality is an illusion and how impossible it would be for us to do so. Using David Copperfield’s act as a Master Illusionist, I compared how all that is involved in making his illusions appear real, to all that is involved in our own creations appearing like we make them happen.  While we do influence our reality with our thoughts, no one person makes things happen on their own. We are co-creators with every other influencing factor that contributes to reality.  The good news is that we can all cut ourselves some slack and not live in fear that every negative thought is going manifest.  I’m sure you have daily experiences of how that isn’t how it works, yet if you listen to some of Rhonda Byrne’s teachers from “The Secret” they would have you monitoring every thought. Try it – I did and just about drove myself nuts.

So what can we do, to have greater influence over our lives? Develop your intuition! 

Your intuition is the key in identifying the best strategies to put in place, to have the most favorable possible influence over the co-creation of your reality. Tuning into and interpreting your own vibe and the energy around you enables you to acknowledge the impact of your personal influence in any moment. Let your intuition inform you of the attitude or thoughts that need to shift to bring your whole self into alignment with what you are wanting.  When you are clear with what you want, your intuition will guide you to it.

Recently my honey and I were buying a new car. We made a list of “must haves” as well as the “would be nice to haves” allowing our inner feelings to guided us. With some research we narrowed our search to four models of cars. Following my intuition, a call to my mechanic brought it down to two. Then one night we went to a dealership and there is was, the first car we were shown had everything on the list down to the previous owners having been mature folks who had taken good care of it and had loaded it up with all of our “would be nice to haves”.  Did we manifest this car?  As fun as it is to think so… no we did not.  We knew what we wanted, what was important and our intuition lead us to where the car we wanted already existed.

For many of us, our intuition is leading us much more than we realize. I’ve met lots of people who were very intuitively directed, but when asked didn’t think so due to a preconceived idea of what intuition is – crystal balls and tarot cards. Not everyone recognizes their natural insightfulness as intuition, but it is and the more it’s developed, the better influence one can have on the co-creation of not only our own reality, but the collective reality as well. Developing our intuition empowers us to tune in and make more informed decisions for ourselves and be in the flow more often.


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