
2014 Meditation - Creating with your Inner Wise Self

 In support your life's vision for 2014, I am sharing the meditation Pierrette Raymond and I recorded for her More than Just Business Community.

You are about to take a journey into your future - the future where you are living your 'best self' life. This is the future life that comes to be as a result of listening to and following through with the advice of your inner wise self. During this meditation you will connect with your inner wise self and gain insight and inspiration to support your aims for the coming year. Everyone will experience this meditation uniquely - there is no right or wrong way to experience it. If you don't receive any specific guidance or insight while listening to the meditation, if it come in bit foggy or if you fall asleep... not to worry. Both you and your inner wise self will have experienced the energy of your future and over the coming days the insights will continue dropping in and synchronicity will continue working it's magic. And you can always come back and experience the journey again!  Also included is a worksheet to use along with the mediation for note taking, so please print it up before you start so you'll have t he questions handy.  Enjoy!!


Your Best Wise Self Advice for 2014 Worksheet

Thank you to Roger Ellerton for the lovely background music titled Sailing.

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